Quality made smarter

Over 20 years, Qualitest has become the world’s largest technology testing company with a reputation amongst industry insiders for the quality of its work. But the company was aware its brand and communications didn’t reflect that quality or expertise.
Our task was to help it articulate its position as a true market leader. Having conducted a series of workshops with different teams within Qualitest, we proposed repositioning it as specialist ‘pure-play’ testers, a unique offering in a marketplace full of developers and integrators that offer testing as an add-on.

Redefining quality: a new brand identity
In an industry where ‘quality’ is invariably linked with assurance – that very process of confirming the technology works as it should – we crystallised what makes Qualitest distinct: Quality made smarter. Put another way, its testing is and can be more imaginative and innovative than almost anyone else’s – and unwaveringly precise.
We translated this into a new visual identity built around a “Q” logo that serves as the Qualitest hallmark.